Wednesday, May 27, 2015

How much do I love trash?

So much there's a trash can on my business card....

I thought it was a little overkill to write Rachel "Trash Girl" Adell...
I'm somewhat regretting the decision...

Attending the Sustainatopia Conference in LA this week. Equally excited about learning, networking and sharing my love of all things trash! 

Follow up on all the learning will include: how effective introducing myself as "Trash Girl" went, the circular economy, and my attempt to stalk and track down the TerraCycle rep and question them relentlessly about TC and Upcycling....

till then folks...


  1. How was the conference? I came back to your blog to see and there's no post!!

  2. It has been one CRAZY summer--I plan to get back to this in September when things calm down a bit. I promise an onslaught of new posts about the conferences, the economy and my new apartments dirty MRF (materials recovery facility) dumpster (read: they don't recycle).

    But to give a brief preview: this conference was actually a little disappointing...but I went to another one specifically about Zero Waste and it was INCREDIBLE. People who love trash as much as I do--as inspiring as it gets. They had so many trash puns (didn't realize trash puns could be so full of innuendo, but boy oh boy was I wrong!)
